Dear all in Russia

Dear all,

Climate change is starting to hit many parts of the world, and we believe taking action against it is a global project. That’s why we present a new instrument: a video channel named ‘Cool Down The Planet’. Starting with a handful of informative movies, we hope to in the end add a useful and unifying outlet for many.

Please check the url:
And watch our launch video on youtube

Cool Down The Planet is a semi professional video platform with a mission to map the impact of climate change in all corners of the world and show human abilities to find solutons. And for this we need you!

• All people with a relevant video message related to climate change: send it in and have it published here!

• Junior correspondents and reporters: identify and record video footage related to climate change in your region. Get a fee!

• Stakeholders and sponsors: attach your name to specific videos and help us grow!

By spring 2019 we start from scratch, without an extensive network, and with just a few small sponsors. But as a couple of motivated individuals we are convinced of our mission, that is to show and share both the challenges and the solutions related to climate change.

Ask for more infomation, send your portfolio, and join the team of COOL makers. We’re very much open to your good advices! Get in touch!

Greetings from Holland – Roelf van Til