Latest videos
Stay alert, August 15th, 2021
Get involved
Express yourself about climate change and send your one minute video

It started in The Netherlands, a country at risk of being flooded by the sea within one or two centuries: the idea of a worldwide project, to map the new reality of climate change and report on ways to counter it.
As a not-for-profit foundation based in the Netherlands, we want to commit as many people as possible.
We like to offer you an opportunity to be our regional ambassador and help us generate local videos and committed presentations. Feel free to ask for more information!
Get in touch!
Frequently asked questions
What is Cool Down the Planet?
Cool Down the Planet is a video channel on climate change, that shows both ‘hot problems’ and ‘cool solutions’. We aim to map, country by country, the impact of climate change and expose human abilities to find solutions.
Who is behind this?
Cool Down the Planet is run by two young students Julia Kenul and Juliëtte van Til, and supervised by New Energy TV. We are based in the Netherlands.
Will you publish my video about global warming?
Yes, we would be happy to reveive your input. You can send your video file to our email address. We prefer to give it our own 'fingerprint' by adding a CDTP banner and mayby limit the length of the video.
Get in touch! -
Can I be your correspondent and suggest topics?
Of course, be invited as a regional correspondent!
We aim to find motivated students and young professionals, who help us find subjects that are suitable for future video reports. The topics must relate to climate change and have journalistic relevance.
Are you eager to join our team? Get in touch! -
Who owns Cool Down The Planet? What is your mission?
Cool Down the Planet is initiated by New Energy TV, a video production company from the Netherlands. In the last two decades New Energy TV produced numerous videos on sustainability and renewable energy. Its mission is to follow the energy transition and use the camera as a tool to generate urgency and show progress.
Can we partner with Cool Down The Planet?
Partners and sponsors are very welcome. In the end we cannot do without.
Express your thoughts, ideas or worries concerning climate change in a one-minute-video
Send it as a file to our email address
Take up the camera, travel to the interview location and shoot the video footage. Be welcome as a (junior or senior) camera-journalist-reporter!
If you, as a one-mans-band, are interested in our formula, ask for more information, send your portfolio, and join our team.
We're looking for really COOL sponsors and commissioners to adopt our low-budget video projects concerning climate change.
As a future sponsor be invited in helping us select appropriate subjects for the corresponding report(s).
Happening now
Posted May 10th at 9:12pmMODERATOR said...
Today we silently present a very promising new start of our channel. With a special role for Julia and Juliëtte. Congrats!