New correspondent: Sandra Obiora from China

Today Sandra Obiora joined as our new correspondent. She’s from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and very motivated to help us find suitable subjects for video projects in her country. To welcome her the Cool Down The Planet team asked Sandra to answer some questions,

Hi Sandra Obiora, can you introduce yourself?

My name is Sandra Chukwudumebi Obiora. I am a postgraduate student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China from the school of Management and Economics. I am very much interested in research and projects that can pave a better economic and environmental pathway and future for Millennials/Generation Y and the other generations of the world.

What motivated you to choose for this study?

My biggest motivation being a student of Management and Economics is to strategically realize new ways of doing business and management that works for the benefit of society. In essence I am interested in how the world of business works, how it can be better. I remember taking this excellent course by one of my outstanding American professors during my undergrad which focused on Corporate Social Responsibility. However, it was about Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility. How can everyone benefit both internally and externally to the company?

What are your ambitions? How would you like to develop your future career?

In the future I will love to involve myself in multinational level projects that can improve the wellbeing of human beings across the world. My calling is to prominent issues like better and more effective education, better welfare, and opportunities for people across the world. Any projects that offer such opportunities on a large scale is of interest to me.

Do you see any consequences from climate change in your region? If yes, can you give an example?

In recent years, I have observed that here in China the Autumn tends to drag on a lot longer than usual, and the winter has become shorter. More noticeable is the fact that during summer the humidity levels are absurdly high.

What makes Cool Down The Planet a promising tool according to you? 

I believe the Cool down the planet initiative is genius. I believe the first strong point is that the name explains itself. Secondly I like that some specific challenges are being offered. It will be nice to contribute in one way or the other to the brain power being generated to solve this prominent issue of a dangerously warming planet.