Posted August 20th, 2019
New correspondent: Roi Martinez from Vigo, Spain
Roi Martinez from University of Vigo, in Spain’s most western part, is our new correspondent. Active in many directions of life, inspired to do something against global warming ánd as a computer whiz kid, he will help us find suitable subjects to be featured in his country. The team of Cool Down The Planet asked Roi Martinez to answer some questions.
Hi Roi, can you introduce yourself?
I’m Roi, I’m 20 years old and I’m studying Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Vigo. I’ve always lived in Spain, but I love to travel and to discover new cultures. Music is an important part of me, I play the classical guitar and the drum kit. I’m a very active person, always ready to try something new
What motivated you to choose for this study?
Since I was a kid, I enjoyed “playing” with computers. With the passage of the time I started learning how to programme and how devices work. I like coding and learning about devices’ behaviour, that’s why I chose this studies. Although my degree is not directly related to the environment, I will prove that only effort and good will are enough to fight climate change.
What are your ambitions? How would you like to develop your future career?
For the short term I want to study as much as I can, probably I will focus my studies on cybersecurity or programming. For the long term I would want to become a “crowd engineer” and help participants to get off the ground their ideas.
Do you see any results from climate change in your region? If yes, can you give an example?
Spain is a potentially tourist country, especially on the coast, where I live. Weather is an important factor, but last years, the summer sun is turning into a danger, generating skin diseases, heat strokes and droughts, progressively getting serious. The high temperatures of summer are spreading out to the others seasons, causing an extremely unstable climate the rest of the year.
What do you consider is a strong quality of the Cool Down The Planet formula?
Accessibility; anyone can help, either with an idea to solve a challenge or with their knowledge on the subject. This mix of “crowd engineers” and participant is the key to achieve any request and make the most of people’s potential, allowing all of us to do one’s bit to cool down the planet.